Article „How to offer a decent life to refugees“ (The European – Security and Defence Union)

„(…) The past cannot be changed. Let us learn from it and find ways to deal with today and tomorrow. In a globalized world in which the war around Aleppo City was live streamed, we cannot claim ignorance. We all have a responsibility to support each other. There should not be “them” versus “us”. We can no longer claim that “we did not know”.

It is unacceptable, that in the 21st century, women and children have to use rubber boats to cross a few kilometers into safety. It is intolerable that children drown in the waves of the Mediterranean, men die in refrigerated trucks and women are raped while escaping the very horrors of war!

It is a disgrace for Europe to “welcome” those who seek protection with mistrust, fear and racism. Depriving those who flee death from their dignity and their basic right to asylum. It is unacceptable that families have to put their lives into the hands of ruthless smugglers as the only escape from their despair. It is abhorrent to see that places like Moria or “The Jungle” exist on the European continent. (…)“

Grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences and voice my opinions here:

Thank you to the team of „The European – Security and Defence Union“ to focus this edition on migration and refugees!


Save the Aquarius, Save Lives – Joint NGO Letter

„Five years to the day after the Lampedusa tragedy in which at least 368 people died, rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea are more vital than ever. It is alarming that the last rescue ship in the Central Mediterranean may be forced to stop operating. We call on European leaders to ensure the Aquarius can continue to save lives at sea.

The decision by Panamanian authorities to strike the Aquarius, a nongovernmental rescue ship operated by SOS MEDITERRANEE and Médécins Sans Frontières (MSF), from its ships’ registry, apparently in response to pressure from the Italian government, is a reprehensible move. It will deny potentially life-saving assistance to vulnerable people at risk, including injured people, pregnant women, torture survivors, people traumatized by shipwrecks and unaccompanied minors.

This is just the latest in a series of moves to delegitimize and block nongovernmental groups performing vital search-and-rescue operations in the central Mediterranean. It risks forcing the last remaining NGO ship away from the deadliest stretch of water in the world, resulting in the end of nongovernmental rescue in the area, which for years, has courageously contributed to saving thousands of lives. All other NGOs are blocked in Italian or Maltese ports by legal actions or have been forced to suspend operations given unconscionable delays or refusals to disembark rescued persons in European ports.

The death toll in the central Mediterranean could climb even higher. Even as departures from North Africa to Europe have dramatically reduced, with refugees and migrants becoming effectively trapped in abusive conditions in conflict-ridden Libya, the chances of dying at sea have skyrocketed. Since the beginning of the year, at least 1,260 have died or gone missing in waters off the Libyan coast. We urge European countries to offer to register the Aquarius under fair terms and criteria. SOS MEDITERRANEE and MSF, along with other organizations no longer able to operate, represent the best of European, as well as universal, values: respect for human life and dignity, and solidarity with women, men, and children fleeing persecution, war, and human rights abuse. These civil society organizations have stepped in where European governments have withdrawn.

Deciding not to offer registration to the Aquarius would be tantamount to endorsing a deliberate strategy to obstruct legitimate humanitarian assistance to human beings at risk of drowning in international waters off Europe’s coasts.

How European leaders respond now is crucial. Solidarity in European societies should be encouraged and celebrated, not punished.  We urge you to do everything in your power to ensure the Aquarius and its crew of professional, capable, and committed rescuers can continue to save lives at sea and that the other nongovernmental organizations currently facing legal proceedings can also return to their life-saving operations.



Amnesty International

European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Human Rights Watch

International Commission of Jurists

International Federation for Human Rights“

„Wie kann man Menschen, die um Hilfe bitten wie Verbrecher behandeln?“ – Teil II

Heute stolperte ich ueber einen Kommentar, den ich vor vier Jahren in der Brigitte veroeffentlichen durfte.

Der Titel: „Wie kann man Menschen, die um Hilfe bitten wie Verbrecher behandeln?“

Das Thema: Eine kurze Darstellung meiner Ueberzeugung, sich aus Menschlichkeit und der Ueberzeugung, das Menschenrechte universell sind und jederzeit gelten, fuer diejenigen auf der Welt einzusetzen, die aus den unterschiedlichsten Gruenden ihre Heimat verlassen muessen und Schutz und eine sichere Zukunft suchen. Die Ueberezeugung, dass dies eine grundmenschliche Verpflichtung ist!

Der Plot: Eine Beschreibung der Entwicklung meiner Ueberzeugung und die Darlegung meines Plans an der tuerkisch-syrischen Grenze ankommenden syrischen Gefluechteten Unterstuetzung zukommen zu lassen.

Heute: Den Plan habe ich verfolgt und habe meine letzten 4 Jahre an der tuerkisch-syrischen Grenze und im Irak verbracht um genau das zu tun, was mein groesstes Anliegen war und ist: aktive Hilfe fuer Binnenvertriebene und Gefluechteten und Aufklaerung, wo auch immer notwendig auf der Welt.

Die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen er letzten Jahre in der Welt, aber fuer mich – als deutsche EU Buergerin von besonderer Bedeutung – in Detuschland und in der EU sind erschreckend. Die Festung Europa wird mit allen Mitteln verbarrikadiert, auf dem Ruecken der Humanitaet, der Menschenrechte und dem Grundrecht auf Asyl – auf dem Ruecken, derer die vor Krieg, Verfolgung, Folter, und extremer Armut fliehen muessen.

Den Weg, den die EU in Bruessel letzte Woche verfestigt hat, angefeuert von rechts-konservativer und polemische Politik unter anderem auch in Deutschland ist erschreckend und besorgniserrgend! Nicht nur fuer diejenigen, die unsere Unterstuetzung brauchen, sondern auch fuer die offene Gesellschaft, dem Fundament auf dem die EU und unsere „moderne Gesellschaft“ aufgebaut ist, Unser Wertekanon und unsere fundamentalen Grundprinzipien der Freiheit, Gleicheit, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschlichkeit werden auf das schaerfste angegriffen.

Es wir Zeit, dass wir –  die (noch) Mehrheit der europaeischen Bevoelkerung, die nicht der Polemik der Populisten und dem Schueren der „Angst vor dem Fremden“ verfallen sind – aufstehen und lauter werden – uns einsetzen fuer ein offenes, menschenfreundliches, gerechtes, freies und prosperiendes Europa – fuer eine bessere Welt!

For my non German speaking friends, colleagues, followers: this comment is a part II of a comment published in a magazine in Germany 4 years ago before I started my journey in the humanitarian assistance for IDPs and refugees at the Turkish-Syrian border and in Iraq.  The title back then was “ How can one treat people begging for help like criminals?“ In light with the current developments in the world, but – as a German EU citizen – in Germany in EU in particular, I wrote a follow up piece underlining the importance, that we have to stand up and become louder to fight for our „open society“ which is built on the parameters of freedom, equality, justice/ rule of law and humanity.


The results of the Mosul offensive

Today I went on a mission to the biggest IDP camp in Iraq established to give shelter to 65,000 people from Mosul City, Tal Afar, Baj and other areas recently retaken. A car ride through the eastern and western parts of Mosul through villages passing by other IDP camps to arrive at the largest one reveals in a nutshell where Iraq finds itself to date.

Mosul East – the part of the city which was not heavily effected by the fighting, where people were able to return quickly and everyone is working hard on re-establishing their lives. Market are open, families repair their houses, trade is back, schools are open and the streets are full of people and cars.

Mosul West – still highly militarized, but especially majorly destroyed. Rebuilding lives here is and will stay a major task and challenge for the people, the government and the international community. The level of destruction only conveys a glimpse of the human suffering behind it.

The IDP camp – thousands of people who would like to return home, but are unable to do so because of the lack of security, services and private housing, Thousand of people who are in need of humanitarian assistance now – especially in light of the winter months – and in the future – during the process of return.

It is crazy to drive along streets, through neighbourhoods and villages which a year ago were still under the control of ISIL. Despite the good stories, we shall not forget the complexity of the results of a three years occupancy of ISIL, a horrific war, massive displacement and the deep wounds in peoples‘ hearts and minds.

IDP camps Kirkuk/Iraq

6 hours and 5 camp visits later I learnt a lot about the situation of IDPs in camps in Kirkuk governorate and for those who are expected to seek safety once the military offensive towards Hawija will start. I am thankful for all the honest conversations I had today, but there is always a bitter pill to swallow. The humanitarian response in Iraq is and will be underfunded and the needs are so high, that there are gaps to fill wherever you look at – some of them life threatening and dangerous, some of them difficult to understand! Supporting the crisis affected population of Iraq has to be a joint effort by the government and the international community – this even more so in light with the coming winter months, which will pose – as every year – a particular challenge on hundreds of thousands of families in unsafe shelter conditions in and off camp.

a glimpse of education under ISIL

It has been some time since I wrote a piece about my work as a humanitarian in the Iraq Humanitarian Response. Today I had the opportunity to talk to women and their children in Mosul who had lived under ISIL for the last three years. The stories they shared with me are beyond imagination and I cannot even imagine what they went through, What they share with are stories of fear and pain. but also bravery and hope. What particularly stroke me – and has always done since I got engaged in the Syria and Iraq Response – is the impact on children and youth and the limited funding opportunities to support them – the future of these worn torn countries. Sometimes it is one story, one face, one smile or one picture which makes you really think if what we do is enough – will ever be enough! I was sitting in a classroom of a primary school today and the originally innocent teaching materials on the wall revealed so much more than many reports can say. They show us under which doctrine children were forced to live under and they give a glimpse for what is needed so support those ones to heal and find peace again in order to rebuild the future for themselves and their families. The international community should do as much as possible in providing support for education, psycho social support and social cohesion!

It has been a long time since my last post on my blog. Not because the suffering of Iraqis and Syrians has become less in the last months – more to the contrary!

But sometimes my job, the job of so many of my colleagues – humanitarian aid workers – in an emergency response like the one I am currently working in, Mosul, is overwhelming! It makes you speechless and forces you to your limits, to work even harder, to try to alleviate suffering and serving the most vulnerable people with the limited resources and capacities one has been given – the international community has been giving, in terms of manpower and life saving assistance. It feels like being in various parallel universes at the same time. Being located in the save areas of Northern Iraq, Kurdistan Iraq, cities like Dohuk and Erbil, while implementing emergency response activities in newly retaken areas around and in Mosul – not forgetting (though too often forgotten) the ongoing support of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people and returnees following 2014. Between war-zone and „normal life“….

The people you meet often times make you wonder if there is any justice out there and if peace will ever succeed. So many stories of families ripped apart, having nothing left than what they could carry with them. Families who lived for more than 2 years under ISIL occupation, being exposed to tremendous horrors. Children who lost their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. Each and every of their stories, their lives should be told in order for all of us and the rest of the world to understand what it means to being forced to flee – to seek safety and – if possible – a future. Humanitarian aid is like a plaster on a deep wound, which can only serve for a moment – it is an immediate life saving support. Already at this stage we struggle – there is never enough funding to assist everyone! There is never enough access, security, planning and coordination to ensure that the most vulnerable are 100% reached – despite all efforts! But what next? What comes after the „liberation“? What are the big political strategies to avoid any kind of fall back into revenge, retaliation, disputes, underlying deeper conflicts? The next deadly conflicts are just around the corner if longer term, sustainable, realistic and honest strategies are missing.

And then you read the news from home and abroad: USA implementing a travel ban for Muslims, Hungary deciding to detain all asylum seekers, right wing parties in so many European countries using refugees to create an atmosphere of fear to win elections, new walls made of concrete or razor wire against „waves of refugees“ built all over the world, a constantly rising death toll of refugees and migrants in the Med….

And you realize becoming silent is not the way forward – you have to speak up, stand up, rise awareness, argue, fight – for that we do not forget: it is a human responsibility and duty to support the most vulnerable, to support those of us who are forced to flee their homes due to violence, war, terror, oppression – in countries of origin and destination!

We said „Never again!“ – we lied! will we learn?

We said „Never again!“ – we lied! Shame on us! Will we learn? Will we – the species „human“ ever learn? Aleppo’s people had to pay a horrific price – for what? And now? What will happen to the people of Aleppo now and tomorrow? And to all the other children, women and men trapped in conflict zones and protrected crises and besieged areas? Looking at cities like Raqqa, Deir er Zor, Mosul as well as whole districts and provinces in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Lybia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine, and so many more – where civilians constantly pay the price of power struggles and short sighted politics, where the world is only one tweet or like away from the horrors on the ground, but our actions to save lifes and support solutions on the way to peace are limited and often too late… This is about political willingness and humanity – every dispute, conflict, war can and will eventually come to an end – if it is wanted and if peace is worked on collaboratively, honestly and continously by all parties involved. This is for sure a challenge in a globalized world where assymetric proxy wars are spreading, natural resources are vanishing, ideals, concepts, ways of life and religions are clashing and money is ruling.

May it be a challenge, but if we do not even try, what else do we have left as humans? 

We once proudly wrote down for eternity „All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.“ (Article 1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Let us remember that and finally work together on that in a more committed way outside of our comfort zones! This world can be a better place for all of us … if we want!

Mosul Response Preparation

As the military offensive towards Mosul has started a week ago, all governmental and humanitarian actors are scaling up the preparedness activities to being able to support newly displaced people with life saving humanitarian aid in and off camps. The big question marks though remain: How many people will come when and where to? How long will they stay? In what state will they be?